29th January: Talks By Members
Tuesday 29 January 2019 2:30pm
Venue: Cley Village Hall, The Fairstead, Cley-next-the-Sea
These talks are open to all but are given by members.
The Monement Family of Cley

F.W.Monement (1858-1943) inherited the Cley estate on the death of his uncle W.J.J.Bolding in 1899, and built The Green in 1900.
Richard Jefferson
Medieval stained glass in St Margaret’s, Cley and the Norwich school of glass

Roger Bland
Norfolk’s 17th century tokens and the issues of Cley
Adrian Marsden
Tuesday 26 February 2019 2:30pm
A shortage of small change in the England of the 1650s and 1660s was solved by local traders issuing their own tokens.
These farthings and halfpennies were issued by many individuals across Norfolk, including John Wilch and Richard Shaw at Cley.
Adrian will talk about the background behind these tokens series and will look at the Cley issues in particular.

Wars of the Roses and the Paston letters
Dr Rob Knee
Tuesday 26 March 2019 7:30pm
The Paston Letters provide a unique commentary on the Wars of the Roses at both a national and a local level.
The Letters record the changing fortunes of ‘House Paston’ as the family navigated their way through their various sieges and confrontations with the Dukes of Suffolk and Norfolk at Gresham Castle, Hellesdon Manor and Caister Castle.
What little conflict actually took place in Norfolk invariably involved the Paston Family.

The Warrens of Breckland
Anne Mason
Tuesday 30 April 2019 7:30pm
Venue: Harbour Room, RBL, High Street, Blakeney
A history of 600 years of the warrening industry and the surviving archaeological evidence in the landscape.

Tuesday 24th September 2019 7:30pm
This lecture replaces the previously publicised lecture “Snowdrifts and burning gods: Travels in the footsteps of artist James Baillie Fraser” by Ben Cartwright.
Hidden Faces
Dr John Talbot
An introduction to the beautiful and sophisticated art on pre-Roman East Anglian coinage, and an overview of what the coinage was used for and who was responsible for its production.
The lecture will present the results of an extensive study of the coinage of the Iceni focussing in particular on the complex imagery used on the early silver and gold issues. The lecture will also discuss how hard evidence arising from the study of coinage has been used to examine economic and social practices in East Anglia during the hundred years or so before the Roman conquest.
Dr John Talbot is affiliated with Oxford University and has spent over a decade studying the coinage of the Iceni. He is the author of “Made for Trade, a new view of Icenian Coinage”.

Image 2: The horse on the reverse of the Bury D, a very early unit, that is discussed in the talk.
Tuesday 29th October 2019 7:30pm
Captain Marryat & the Langham Connection
Jim Ring
Best known for ‘The Children of the New Forest’ Captain Marryat was actually a man of many parts.
He was a distinguished naval officer who saw action in the Napoleonic Wars and thrice saved the lives of fellow seaman who had fallen overboard by diving into the sea; he was an inventor whose work earned him the fellowship of the Royal Society; and he was one of the first novelists of the sea, whose work put wind in the sails of CS Forester and Patrick O’Brien.
In this talk, Jim Ring – local author and award winning naval historian – pays tribute to a great man who lived and died in Langham.

The talk is preceded by a short AGM
Tuesday 26th November 2019 7:30pm
Aylsham Roman Project
Peter Purdy

December 2019
No meeting planned although there is a lunch organised on Tuesday 10th December at the White Horse, Blakeney.