Recording: Talks by Members (2022)

The recording presents two talks:

Captain Fox: From Cley to New Zealand

Pamela Peake

James Fox (1831-1906) was born in Letheringsett but eventually settled in Cley where his home, Maori Pah, sat on the edge of the Glaven marshes.  However it was his voyages at sea that set James Fox apart from his contemporaries for he was a master mariner extraordinaire.  Fox established the Southern Ocean as the most expedient trade and colonial route to New Zealand and achieved many notable successes.  These included the fastest land to land record as well as the accolade of commanding the last trading clipper home to the UK in 1899 when he was aged 68.  

Rudolph Ackermann to Gerald Ackermann

Richard Jefferson

Gerald Ackermann (1876-1960) lived the last twenty-five years of his life in Blakeney and I have many images of his local watercolours to show, but very little biographical detail, so I shall start with his much more illustrious great-grandfather Rudolph Ackermann (1764-1834) whose portrait is in the National Portrait Gallery, before moving on to our local artist.

Richard’s talk begins at about 29 minutes into the recording – and it is a bit of an abrupt start.

Although there were sound issues during the meeting, hopefully you will find you can hear nearly all the talk.